Step aside, North West.
Twitter has a new baby of star-proportions to fuss about.
Kate Middleton gave birth to an 8 pound, 6 ounce baby boy at 4:24 p.m. after being in labor for 10 hours.
Twitter promptly erupted.
Kate Middleton, Buckingham Palace, #RoyalBaby, Royal Baby Watch, #itsaboy, Duchess of Cambridge, and Prince Harry topped the trending charts within the hour of the birth announcement.
Not a lot of Twitter love for the new dad, Prince William.
Here are the best celebrity reactions:
A lady had a baby.
— Joel McHale (@joelmchale) July 22, 2013
It's a boy! So happy for my cousin Kate and the future King of England!
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) July 22, 2013
Can't trust the media hype. After supper, I'm heading over to Buckingham Palace to check things out for myself.
— Glen Mazzara (@glenmazzara) July 22, 2013
Welcome to the future king! Congratulations William & Kate. Much Love, Queen Latifah
— Queen Latifah (@IAMQUEENLATIFAH) July 22, 2013
Wishing Prince William and Duchess Kate much joy and happiness as Great Britain welcomes the newest member of the Royal Family. #RoyalBaby
— Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) July 22, 2013
Wouldnt it be great if England had 30 days of games to celebrate the birth! dueling, jowsting, a flagon of mead...#GameOfThrones#RoyalBaby
— Jack Osbourne (@MrJackO) July 22, 2013
I think I'm probably not the only one who started crying today thinking about #Diana. Smiling from beyond!
— Perez Hilton (@PerezHilton) July 22, 2013
Woah people seem super excited for this new british band, the royal baby.
— Ellen Page (@EllenPage) July 22, 2013
Alright I'm going back to watching the 24/7 online royal baby cam.
— josh groban (@joshgroban) July 22, 2013
.@katemiddleton what's it like to be dilated?
— Zach Braff (@zachbraff) July 22, 2013
#RoyalBabyNames Metälstørm
— Andy Richter (@AndyRichter) July 22, 2013
So pleased to hear that William and Kate had a baby boy. Long live the future king. MBB
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) July 22, 2013
Congratulations to the Royal Family on their new baby boy!
— Bethenny Frankel (@Bethenny) July 22, 2013
If Prince William is anything like I was, he's hustling home on The Tube right now to assemble the Ikea crib & changing table.
— Willie Geist (@WillieGeist) July 22, 2013
Congratulations to Kate & William on the birth of their baby boy! So relieved that his name won’t include the words Ivy or Apple.
— Joan Rivers (@Joan_Rivers) July 22, 2013
Breaking News: Kate Middleton has given birth to an 8 pound 6 ounce baby brat.
— Jeffrey Ross (@realjeffreyross) July 22, 2013
Fingers crossed that Kate Middleton names her child Groot.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) July 22, 2013
In related news, sales of @JimGaffigan's album "King Baby" soar after rabid Anglophiles fail to read the description field.
— Chris Hardwick (@nerdist) July 22, 2013
I mean now you almost have to name the baby "#RoyalBaby". Hashtag and everything.
— Ben Schwartz (@rejectedjokes) July 22, 2013
...And some other shout-outs from the Twittersphere:
Dear William & Kate: If William is 100% royal and Princess Kate is 0% royal, will that make your son a half-blood prince? #RoyalBaby
— Professor Snape (@_Snape_) July 22, 2013
If Kate and Will's baby is named Joffrey I will give everyone one million dollars.
— (@BustedTees) July 22, 2013
You can tell the royal baby is British because he doesn't have any teeth.
— Comedy Central (@ComedyCentral) July 22, 2013
"I can't wait to see changing of guards in front of the royal birth canal and the epidural by Dumbledore."
— The Colbert Report (@ColbertReport) July 22, 2013
SEE ALSO: Here's The Official Birth Announcement Outside Of Buckingham Palace