The Church of Scientology does not take it lightly when public figures speak out about the controversial religion.
After director/writer Paul Haggis wrote an open letter commending "brave" Leah Remini for breaking with the church last month, Scientology's media relations team sent out a statement calling him "a status-obsessed screenwriter" who is "desperately craving attention."
Now the church is taking aim at Remini after she filed a missing person report for Scientology leader David Miscavige's wife, Shelly, who reportedly hasn't been seen in six years.
LAPD found the report "unfounded" and the church's media team again went on attack, sending out the below scathing statement calling it "nothing more than a publicity stunt for Ms. Remini":
The Los Angeles Police Department has already stated that the case is closed and that the report filed by Leah Remini was unfounded.
This ill-advised, ludicrous self-promotion and the media inquiries it generated caused an inexcusable distraction for the LAPD in an era when the time and resources of its officers are stretched thin each day. Creating this unnecessary burden for law enforcement was even more irresponsible given the entire episode was nothing more than a publicity stunt for Ms. Remini, cooked up with unemployed, anti-religious zealots, such as Tony Ortega, who blog on the fringe of the Internet. Sadly, rather than move on with her life and career, Ms. Remini has aligned herself with a handful of untrustworthy, lunatic tabloid sources who obsessively harass the Church to advance their selfish agendas.
SEE ALSO: The Church Of Scientology Issued A Scathing Response To Paul Haggis' Open Letter