Not everybody is a people person.
If this sounds like you, your best approach for finding a job could be searching for work where people skills aren't all that necessary.
To find these jobs, we averaged data from the Occupational Information Network, or O*NET, a US Department of Labor database full of detailed information on 974 occupations.
O*NET rates each occupation on a scale from zero to 100 on how much a job requires workers to be in contact with others and how much a job requires workers to be pleasant with others, where a lower rating signals less-required sociability.
While people who hold these positions aren't necessarily standoffish, the following jobs got the lowest average score and require minimal good-natured interaction with others:
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13. Economists

Required sociability score: 57.5
What they do: Conduct research, prepare reports, or formulate plans to address economic problems related to the production and distribution of goods and services or monetary and fiscal policy.
12. Potters

Required sociability score: 57
What they do: Operate production machines such as pug mill, jigger machine, or potter's wheel to process clay in the manufacture of ceramic, pottery, and stoneware products.
11. Transportation-equipment painters

Required sociability score: 56.5
What they do: Operate or tend painting machines to paint surfaces of transportation equipment like automobiles, buses, trucks, trains, boats, and airplanes.
See the rest of the story at Business Insider