Kanye West just posted a contentious tweet proclaiming Bill Cosby's innocence.
In December, Cosby was charged with aggravated indecent assault, a first-degree felony, following an investigation of a sexual assault alleged to have happened more than a decade ago. The charge came after dozens of women stepped forward with alarmingly similar stories of assaults allegedly committed by Cosby. Over the summer, New York Magazine ran an in-depth feature on the stories of 35 of Cosby's alleged victims. You can read their stories here.
i love kanye west unrepentantly, but yeah, sometimes i have no defense for his nonsense
— Ivan Brandon (@IvanBrandon) February 10, 2016
No. Just... no. Go sit down and think about what you just said. RT @kanyewest BILL COSBY INNOCENT !!!!!!!!!! pic.twitter.com/qAKOKG0H1R
— Kokujin (@Kaibutsu) February 9, 2016
what the hell is wrong with kanye west
— anja (@fucklivet) February 10, 2016
I'm am disgusted, but not that surprised, that an arrogant narcissist like @kanyewest would defend Billy Cosby#StandUpforTheVictims#NoMore
— Princess Ibit (@PrincessIbit) February 10, 2016
Kanye West is an idiot. A talented idiot, but an idiot.
— DI (@demeatloaf) February 9, 2016
Wow this is pretty cool ... good job NIKE team... Lebron is my brother pic.twitter.com/QrzpkRwWAk
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) February 9, 2016