Madonna got booed while performing in New Orleans after telling the audience to "Vote for Obama." The singer was heckled when she asked, “Who’s registered to vote?” followed by “I don’t care who you vote for as long as you vote for Obama.” After fans started to walk out, she tried to recover by saying ”Seriously, I don’t care who you vote for… Do not take this privilege for granted. Go vote.”
- But Beyoncé's $32 pro-Obama hoop earrings have helped a Puerto Rican jeweler sell thousands of pairs since the singer was photographed wearing the designs last week.
- Adam Levine defended his fellow "Voice" judge Christina Aguilera, who has been critiqued for her body, saying: “People shouldn’t say those kinds of things. Because, ‘F**k you.’ Come on, guys. Grow up ... [Aguilera] gets a lot of it, which pisses me off, and of course I have her back, of course I defend her. I think it’s a really, really ugly part of our culture.”
- Meanwhile, Christina Aguilera is looking to get back into the acting game--she's just waiting for the perfect "crackhead" role. "I want it to be honest and genuine in expanding my wings and doing something really, really different. A crackhead on the street or a drug addict. Or something crazy and meaty and juicy. Something that really took me out of myself," Aguilera said at an industry panel this week.
- Kim Kardashian wore a $2,000 long, blonde wig as part pf her "Splash" mermaid Halloween costume Saturday night in NYC.
- After a 26-year-old Billy Idol fan worked for two years to get the rocker to play his birthday party, even setting up a website called, the rocker finally obliged Friday night at the Showbox SoDo club in Seattle.
- Will Smith also performed at a birthday party this weekend, rapping for actress Gabrielle Union's 40th birthday celebration alongside Doug E. Fresh. Watch below:
SEE ALSO: 15 People who failed before becoming famous >