Chris Evans had the chance to fight pretend Nazis as Captain America on the big screen. Now Evans in real life has called out ex-KKK leader David Duke on Twitter.
Evans stepped into the political conversation after Duke, a white nationalist and Holocaust denier, tweeted his support of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who was recently confirmed. To Evans, that alone is a warning sign.
If David Duke....DAVID!...DUKE!... thinks you're right, then you are unequivocally wrong. The confirmation of @jeffsessions is beyond words.
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) February 9, 2017
About two hours later, Duke fired back, calling Evans a “typical dumb actor.”
Typical dumb actor - if everything I say is wrong, then when I say I oppose these Zionists wars, you must be for them, Captain America!?
— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) February 9, 2017
That encouraged Evans to further call Duke out on his beliefs.
@DrDavidDuke well if these nuggets of bigotry are some of your OTHER thoughts, then I stand by my original tweet
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) February 9, 2017
Evans ended the Twitter war when he said, “We can’t let hatred be the loudest voice.“
We can't let hatred be the loudest voice.
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) February 9, 2017
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