The INSIDER Summary:
• New York City's delivery workers are often victims of wage theft and workplace abuse — but their struggle is usually invisible to customers.
• Many workers are starting to stand up to unscrupulous bosses in court.
• INSIDER spoke with workers, lawyers, and activists to learn what it's really like to deliver food all across the city.
After many stressful hours of work, most New Yorkers come home to tiny, barely functional kitchens. They may contemplate cooking — but plenty will decide to order dinner and get it delivered instead.
It is one of the city's greatest conveniences: With a quick call or a few taps on a phone screen, a restaurant prepares an affordable meal and it's whisked to the recipient's front door, almost always by a worker wearing a neon vest and pedaling a battered bicycle.
That worker could be Carlos Rodriguez Herrera, 31, who said he delivered pizzas more than 60 hours a week but only got paid for 40 hours. It could be Efren, 44, who was delivering Indian food when he was hit by a car that didn't stop. It could be Salomon Perez, 33, who's says he's owed more than $40,000 in stolen wages by a former restaurant boss who refuses to pay up.
The New Yorkers who ordered dinner won't know any of this. They simply hear a knock or the chime of the doorbell, and then engage in a familiar, often wordless transaction: Grab the plastic bag, hand over a small tip, and close the door.
The recipient digs into dinner. The delivery worker returns, invisible, to one of the city's most demanding and potentially dangerous jobs.
INSIDER spoke with delivery workers, local lawmakers, lawyers, and activists and learned that, despite recent advances in labor law, many of the city's restaurant delivery workers are still overworked and underpaid.
These delivery workers must traverse large swaths of the city, even in the most unforgiving conditions. Food orders surge during inclement weather. Delivery workers say they're often forced to purchase and maintain their own bikes (even if they're used exclusively for work). They work shifts as long as 12 hours. They frequently work for less than minimum wage with no overtime.
In some restaurants, complaining about pay or hours can get them fired.
Conditions are particularly bad for undocumented immigrants, who make up an estimated 10% of the city's labor force (but the share is even higher in many restaurant-industry jobs.) Undocumented workers are protected by minimum wage and overtime laws, but in reality, they're more likely to be the victims of wage theft and other abuses, according to reports from theCenter for an Urban Future and theBrennan Center for Justice. Many are afraid to report mistreatment because of their immigration status — and bosses aren't afraid to exploit that fear, either.
"New Yorkers are very busy people and we try to find efficient ways of doing things. Delivery is one of those ways," Richard Blum, a staff attorney for the Legal Aid Society's Employment Law Project, told INSIDER. "We don't really stop and consider often whom we're engaging in transactions with. It's invisible to us."
It's true: On the street, delivery workers speed by pedestrians and weave through traffic, stopping only as long as it takes to deliver orders. There's not exactly time to chat up each worker about his workplace conditions.
One of the easiest ways to learn about the treatment of workers is to read the lawsuits they've filed against employers.
In 2007, 36 delivery workers sued Manhattan Vietnamese restaurant Saigon Grill. The suit alleged that they were paid as little as $2 an hour, worked up to 13 hours per day, and were charged fines for "offenses" like slamming doors. They won $4.6 million in court.
The same year, delivery workers sued the owners of Flor de Mayo, alleging that they were paid just $1.25 an hour. They won an undisclosed settlement out of court.
This is a trend among restaurant workers, according to Ken Kimerling, legal director of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, which represented workers from Saigon Grill.
"There's been an enormous uptick in wage and hour litigation," Kimerling told INSIDER. "Employers know that and generally the workers have found out about it, too. They're more willing to do something about their wages than in the past."
One of the biggest suits involved 61 delivery workers who were employed at four Domino's pizza locations in Manhattan.
Carlos Rodriguez Herrera was one of those workers — and helped win a $1.3 million lawsuit against Domino's.
Herrera, 31, was born in Oaxaca, Mexico, and has lived in the US for more than a decade. He made Domino's deliveries from 2005 to 2007.
"Many times I talked to the boss [and asked him] to pay me the minimum wage, but he used to pay me $4.40 an hour," Herrera told INSIDER. (Currently, the minimum wage for restaurant workers who get tips is $7.50; in 2007, it was $4.60.) "I used to work 66 hours per week, but they paid me between 40 and 45 hours. And not just me — everybody."
The first time he asked his boss for fair pay, he was told he could leave if he didn't like it. The next time he complained to a manager, he was fired.
Herrera brought a complaint the the Department of Labor, but he said the agency took no action on his case for two years. Finally, with help from a worker's rights group called the National Mobilization Against Sweatshops (NMASS) and the Legal Aid Society, Herrera and 60 other delivery workers brought a class action lawsuit against David Melton and Angelina Melton, the owners of the Domino's locations where workers said they were mistreated. (Mr. Melton did not respond to requests for comment.)
In the suit, the workers said that they were forced to keep working after they'd clocked out and that managers would doctor time cards to pay employees less. They said they were denied breaks. They also said they were forced to perform non-tipped work, like cooking and cleaning, meaning they should have been paid the full minimum wage, not the reduced rate for employees who earn tips.
In 2014, those workers won a judgment of $1.3 million. For Herrera, the victory felt justified — but certainly not joyous.
"I felt normal because that's how it should be," Herrera said. "Because that's my money. They robbed [me of] my money."
Today, Herrera is still a delivery worker, but at a different restaurant where he said he's treated better. In his spare time, he now works as an activist to support other low-wage workers. He says restaurant workers are still fighting for fair pay all across the city.
"I'd like to have thought that after [the Domino's case], other franchises would make awfully sure that people would get paid properly," Blum, who helped represent the Domino's workers, told INSIDER. "But that didn't happen. We still have a ways to go."
Even when workers stand up to greedy employers, they can be left empty-handed because of a loophole in the law.
On a rainy Sunday night in October 2016, a crowd of about 10 protesters gathered on the sidewalk outside Manhattan Valley, an Indian restaurant on New York's Upper West Side.
Inside the restaurant, strings of white lights twinkled above a dim dining room where pairs of diners leaned close together over tables.
Outside, the protesters huddled underneath umbrellas to shield themselves and their posters from the rain. One of them approached passers-by on the street, handing out blue fliers with the headline: "Court Judgment: Indus Valley owes workers $700,000."
The flier alleged that workers of Indus Valley — now known as Manhattan Valley — worked more than 60 hours per week for far less than minimum wage, all while the restaurant's owners abused them verbally and physically. It said a group of former employees sued the restaurant in 2014 and won a judgment of $700,000. And it said that the workers haven't seen a penny of that judgment.
A protester named Efren, who asked to be identified by first name only, stood on the sidewalk underneath a neon-colored beach umbrella, wearing a faded sweatshirt and jeans. Through a translator, he told INSIDER that he worked at Indus Valley for four years, and that was paid just $3 an hour during his tenure. He said that when deliveries were slow, he was forced to work in the kitchen and do the work of three people. He also said his bosses pocketed as much as 15% of the tips earned by delivery workers.
(Workers sued Indus Valley bosses in 2012 over the tip-skimming issue, and settled out of court.)
Efren and nine other workers eventually filed a lawsuit against Indus Valley's owners, Phuman and Lakhvir Singh. (Phuman declined to answer questions about the Indus Valley lawsuit.) In December 2015, a judge ruled the workers' favor, awarding them a total of $700,000. Efren's personal payout was supposed to be $180,628.80.
But nearly a year after the ruling came down, Efren hadn't gotten a single dollar.
New York has gotten tougher on wage theft in recent years, but the law has one serious weakness.
That weakness is described in a report compiled in part by the Legal Aid Society, the Urban Justice Center, and the National Center for Law and Economic Justice.
It's called "EMPTY JUDGMENTS: The Wage Collection Crisis in New York."
The report says it happens like this: When workers stand up to bosses who steal their wages, they wait months or years for a verdict from a judge or the Department of Labor. During that waiting period, employers can transfer money out of their accounts. They can put property in the names of friends or family members. They can close down their business or change its name. They can create a sham corporation to cover their tracks. Or they can simply leave the country with some of their property.
That way, when a judgment finally does come, the owners don't have to pay up, because they no longer appear to have enough money, or because they technically no longer own the business that wronged the workers.
Right now, there is no law that bars employers from taking advantage of this loophole. Low-wage workers are paying the price.
The "EMPTY JUDGMENTS" report identified $125 million dollars in unpaid wage theft judgments over the past 10 years. That's $125 million that workers technically won but never received.
Herrera said this move is so familiar that it keeps workers from standing up to abusive bosses.
"[Workers] know if they sue the boss, this [same] thing is going to happen," he said. "Shut down the restaurant, transfer the name."
That's what happened to the workers at Indus Valley, the protester named Efren told INSIDER.
In summer 2015, while the workers were waiting for their case to move through the court system, the owners of Indus Valley suddenly sold it off. The new owner changed the name to Manhattan Valley. When the ruling came down, the workers had no way to collect their $700,000.
A lawyer for Manhattan Valley told INSIDER that new owner sympathizes with the workers' frustrations but has nothing to do with the wrongdoings of the old owners.
The former Indus Valley employees paint a different picture, however. "Some of [the workers] who worked even past the change of ownership [say] the previous employer was still coming, still there, still managing the restaurant as before," organizer Sarah Ahn of the Flushing Worker's Center told INSIDER.
The workers say that the old bosses are still benefiting from the business.
It's difficult to discern the real relationship — or lack thereof — between the Singh brothers and the new Manhattan Valley ownership. But the fact remains that the workers are still waiting for the vast majority of their stolen wages to be paid back.
Just a few weeks ago, under threat from a judge, Manhattan Valley paid the workers just over $50,000— a fraction of what they are owed. The workers' lawyers told INSIDER they are still hard at work on the case.
Meanwhile, the workers themselves are still assembling on the sidewalk with their worn posters, handing out fliers to anyone who'll take one, wondering when— or if— they'll get the rest.
Experts say a new law being proposed in New York state could alleviate the problem.
It's called the SWEAT bill. That's an acronym for "Securing Wages Earned Against Theft."
The law would make it harder for employers to hide, transfer, or dispose of their assets while waiting for a court judgment. It would also make company owners personally responsible for stolen wages, so that even if a company dissolves, the owners still have to pay up.
New York state senator Jose Peralta is pushing the bill in the state senate. He told INSIDER he's optimistic it'll pass this year.
The push to pass SWEAT isn't about rectifying a single injustice, like the Indus Valley case: It's about holding employers across the city accountable for their actions. Because, right now, even if employees escape one abusive employer, there's still a chance they'll end up in a job that's no better.
Salomon Perez is a former Indus Valley delivery worker who says he's still waiting for the bulk of his $41,714 judgment. These days he delivers food for a new restaurant.
When INSIDER asked if his new employer treats him more fairly, he shrugged and said through a translator that it was all the same, no matter where he might work.
There are a few ways delivery eaters can help, too.
Advocates say that delivery eaters who want to help delivery workers — and all vulnerable workers in the city — should contact their elected representatives in state government and urge them to support the SWEAT Bill.
In the meantime, anyone concerned with the lives of the people delivering their food can take the following steps.
First, ask the workers how they're treated. Employees are the best source of information about working conditions, Herrera said, because bosses can — and often do — just lie to concerned customers who ask.
Next, make sure to tip workers well. Many depend on their tips to survive because wages are so low.
Not all delivery workers are mistreated or underpaid, but all of them face dangerous conditions, the daily threat of injury, and harsh working conditions. Most of them are working incredibly hard just to survive.
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