The INSIDER Summary
- There are some weird indicators that determine how good in bed you are.
- Being a slow eater means that you savor things, which will translate over to your sex life also.
- Women who drink two glasses of wine each day are more sexually satisfied.
Everyone wants to be good in bed. In turn, everyone wants to go to bed with someone who’s good in bed. At least I’m pretty sure this is the case. I’ve yet to meet someone who has said, “I really wish I were bad in bed,” or “Ugh… why can’t I meet someone who’s a nightmare in the bedroom?” Maybe these people do exist and I’m just casting a huge generalization, but I find it hard to believe. There are just certain areas in which people want to excel and I firmly believe that sex is one of them.
"A great lover makes you feel as though you’re 'escaping' your worries and totally engaged with them. Engagement with eye contact, the way you touch them, and slowing down helps build excitement, making climax easy to achieve," sex therapist Mary Jo Rapini tells Bustle.
While there are many components that can make you a great lay, according to research, there are actually indicators, before you even get into bed, that prove you’re pretty effing killer in the sack. It’s not just about your bedroom skills, the way you kiss, or even the way you carry yourself. But actual things that even border on being “weird,” that prove you know your way around not just a bedroom, but the person in your bed.
So if you, like many, are wondering exactly what these bizarre indicators might be, search no further. Here are 11 weird indicators that you’re killing it in the sack.
You drink a lot of wine.

A 2009 study by the University of Florence in Italy (of course) found that women who drink two glasses of wine a day are better in bed and more sexually satisfied than those who only drink one glass of wine a day or none at all. According to the study’s lead author, “Historically, the aspects of wine and sexuality have been well known since the time of Ancient Greece.” So as long as you’re not stinking drunk and keep to those two glasses a day, you’re going to be a tiger in bed. Also, who doesn’t love a study that gives you permission to drink more wine and more often?
You're funny af.

Whether you can tell a good joke or have that amazing ability to be able to laugh at yourself (which, in my humble opinion, is a very sexy quality), research has found that people who laugh a lot are good in bed. Which makes perfect sense to me. I’ve always felt that those people who don’t take things so seriously are really good in bed, because they know how to have a good time. If a partner can make me laugh and give me an orgasm, especially at the same time, it’s like hitting the jackpot.
Your favorite ice cream is coffee-flavored.

In a world of so many ice cream flavors to choose from, if you find yourself always eye-spying and ordering coffee ice cream, it definitely says something about your sexual prowess. A 2013 study by the Smell and Taste Institute in Chicago found that if your favorite ice cream is coffee, it’s a sign that you’re all about being in the moment; you don’t care about yesterday or tomorrow. All you care about is the here and now; being really present during sex makes you one hell of a lover.
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