Since 1901, the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to both people and entities that have made global strides in peace-making. Winners include luminaries from Mother Theresa and the Dalai Lama to Malala Yousafzai and Barack Obama.
Ever wondered who the Nobel Peace Prize Winner was the year you were born?
While the first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded 117 years ago, it has only been given out 98 times. Scroll down to see every winner from 1901 to 2017.
1901: Henry Dunant and Frédéric Passy

Dunant and Passy split the very first Nobel Peace Prize between the two of them.
Dunant won for founding the International Committee of the Red Cross in 1863. Passy received the honor for founding the first French Peace Society (Société Française pour l'arbitrage entre nations) in 1878.
1902: Élie Ducommun and Charles Albert Gobat

Ducommun mainly won for his work at the International Peace Bureau, at which he served as the honorary Secretary-General, but the Nobel Prize website states that, in his spare time, he "prepared programs for international peace congresses, published resolutions, and corresponded with promoters of peace."
Gobat won"for his efforts to bring popularly elected representatives from various countries together at meetings and congresses." He also knew Ducommun well — when he passed away, Gobat took over as the Secretary-General for the International Peace Bureau.
1903: William Randal Cremer

Cremer was nicknamed the "Master of Arbitration," which is why he received the award. Through his work with the International Arbitration League, he sought to solve conflicts through discussion, not war.
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