Monday marks the first night of Passover — the Jewish holiday celebrating liberation from slavery in ancient Egypt.
Celebrities, ranging from President Obama to Seth Rogen, have taken to Twitter to share their well-wishes.
From funny to heartfelt, see what stars are saying about the holiday:
"Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to all those celebrating Passover"—President Obama. Full statement:
— The White House (@whitehouse) March 25, 2013
Wishing everyone peace and happiness this Passover. Chag Kasher V’Sameach.
— Mike Bloomberg (@MikeBloomberg) March 25, 2013
Jews!!!! Happy Passover.
— Zach Braff (@zachbraff) March 25, 2013
Happy Passover, people! Looking forward to that dried out Franken?And that salty parsley? Yum! Can't wait!
— Bette Midler (@BetteMidler) March 25, 2013
With Passover about to start abroad I want to wish all of you celebrating a happy and healthy Pesach!
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) March 24, 2013
Hag Sameach to all those that understand!! Happy Passover!
— Brett Ratner (@BrettRatner) March 25, 2013
Happy Monday everyone! And a happy Passover to my Hebrew homies out there!
— Sally Jessy Raphael (@SJRaphael) March 25, 2013
All My Friends wishing you a Happy Passover - pass the matzo - & not too long from now be kind to the bunnies & wishing you a Happy Easter.
— Don Rickles (@DonRickles) March 24, 2013
Looking forward to seder night. Always get a bit nervous when I have to sing ma'nish ta'na. But do love a shmorreh matzah. Happy pesach x
— Harry Styles (@Harry_Styles) March 25, 2013
Happy Passover 🌺😊🌺
— Bar Refaeli (@BarRefaeli) March 25, 2013
12 hours in... Not much sleep... brisket now joined by ribs... Must keep going...…
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) March 24, 2013
SEE ALSO: Stanley Kubrick tried to make a movie about Nazis in 1985 >