- Following controversial remarks he made about Anne Frank being a "belieber,"Justin Bieber posted to Instagram a drawing of a cartoon version of himself in bed with one of his Beliebers. He did not add any commentary or caption, but clearly knows how to fuel a fire.
- The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has re-hired Craig Zadan and Neil Meron to produce next year's 86th Academy Awards, which will air March 2, 2014. It's not clear whether Seth MacFarlane will return as host.
- Theater concessions are being tailored to a rising Hispanic audience, including popular Mexican corn chip snacks called Takis.
- 24-year-old Ukrainian prankster Vitalli Sediuk faces jail time for crashing the Grammy Awards stage and messing with Adele's moment at the February ceremony. He's been charged with entering a performance area and interfering with performers—both misdemeanors—and faces six months in jail and a $1,000 fine for each count.
- Jennifer Anistonwore an interesting shorts ensemble that did little to hide her cupping bruises on the red carpet for the premiere of her latest film "Call Me Crazy."
- Malin Akermanwelcomed a baby boy named Sebastian Zincone and Jessica Simpsonsays she is "so excited to have a son." “I didn’t grow up with a brother and I think the unknown is really exciting. I can’t wait to have that connection with our little man.”
- Selena Gomez performed her new single“Come and Get It” while embracing a Bollywood theme on last night's "Dancing with the Stars."
SEE ALSO: The latest "Man of Steel" trailer >