Before heading to rehab last week, Lindsay Lohan sat down for a lengthy interview with CNN anchor and Daily Mail columnist, Piers Morgan.
Morgan notes in his Daily Mail introduction to the Q&A that "Lindsay was extraordinarily candid, never shirked a question and made me laugh as much as she made me wince."
Lohan was indeed candid in the piece, revealing she had her first drink at age 17, and that her mom Dina “made me sleep with vomit still on me so I’d understand how it felt."
Lohan claims, "I didn’t drink again throughout high school. I was too scared!" and adds "I’ve never been a huge drinker. I’ve never woken up in the morning and had a drink."
But she does admit that when it comes to drugs she prefers “ecstasy… I liked that better than the others.”
As for cocaine, Lohan says “Everyone thinks I’ve done it so many times. But I’ve only done it maybe four or five times in my life.” But during those handful of times, “I got caught twice.”
Lohan made sure to note, "I’ve never taken heroin either, never injected myself with anything, never done LSD. Those things all scare me."
The 26-year-old actress — who is currently four days into her 90-day court-ordered rehab stay — also says that "sending me to rehab is pointless."
"I’ve been court-ordered to do it six times," she explains to Piers Morgan. "I could write the book on rehab. The first few times I was court-ordered to rehab it was like a joke, like killing time."
"Everyone thinks I’m this crazy drug addict who shows up late to everything and behaves so badly," adds Lohan. "But I’m not. I’m bad with timing."
Instead, Lohan thinks her time would be better spent elsewhere: “The best thing they could do for me would be to make me go abroad to different countries and work with children.”
Perhaps as practice for her own future family, as Lohan adds that in the future, “I want to work for a year and then eventually settle down and have children and a husband."
Watch Lohan and Morgan giggle while promoting the interview below:
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