Being the middle child comes with its grievances. People even associate a "syndrome" with kids who grow up with an older and younger sibling.
Unfortunately, however, you can't control your birth order. So, instead of fighting it, middle children should embrace their status and know that there are even reasons to celebrate it.
INSIDER spoke with Katrin Schumann, co-author of "The Secret Power of Middle Children" about the benefits of being a middle child.
Middle children are more independent as they gain confidence.

Middle children typically have more freedom and less pressure growing up. Sometimes they can even get away with more things as a kid. This, over time, leads to them developing more independence and confidence, according to Schumann.
"Research shows that as middles mature they gain self-confidence — this likely has to do with them recognizing and valuing innate strengths, and downplaying perceived weaknesses," Schumann told INSIDER. However, although they gain confidence as they mature, middle children still have less of an ego than their other siblings, Schumann told Psychology Today.
Independence is a classic example of how middle children turn their circumstances — sometimes being ignored — into their strengths, learning how to live on their own.
Middles know how to negotiate and keep the peace.

Middles who are often labeled as peacemakers or peacekeepers learn how to negotiate. Witnessing fights between siblings is a good way of learning how to be diplomatic, a good listener, and persuasive.
"People see only the negatives and overlook the significant positives for middles, such as the fact that they develop great negotiation skills, empathy and flexibility, and are often innovative out-of-the-box thinkers," Schumann said. This expertise develops out of a need as a child and then turns into bankable skills.
Middle children often feel happy in their relationships.

Research shows that middle-borns are often characterized as faithful and monogamous in relationships.
"Middles make great partners and friends," Schumann said.
As Schumann told Psychology Today, studies show that middles also tend to be the most adventurous when it comes to sex and are often the happiest and most satisfied in their relationships.
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