- Instead of saying that someone is "picky" or "demanding," call them "fastidious."
- If someone is always confident, they possess lots of aplomb.
- "Axiomatic" is a fancy way of saying "obvious."
The words we use can have a huge impact on our lives. Our word choices can undermine our success or indicate higher levels of stress, but they can also help us reach our goals and impress people like potential employers.
It may have been a while since you've practiced SAT words, but expanding your vocabulary opens up new possibilities for expressing yourself at any stage of life.
Don't be pusillanimous — use one of these 21 words next time you want to sound smart. The definitions and synonyms come from Dictionary.com and Thesaurus.com, respectively.

Definition: extremely preoccupied with and indulgent of one's feelings, desires, etc.
Sounds smarter than: self-absorbed, narcissistic

Definition: to make obscure or unclear
Sounds smarter than: confuse, complicate

Definition: lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm
Sounds smarter than: lazy, careless
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